Source code for dypy.plotting.plotting

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import numpy as np
from cartopy import crs as ccrs
from cartopy import feature as cfeature
from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes, GeoAxesSubplot
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from matplotlib.pyplot import get_cmap, subplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lagranto.plotting import CartoFigure, plot_trajs

__all__ = ['CartoFigure', 'Mapfigure', 'plot_trajs', 'SkewT']

[docs]class Mapfigure: """ Class based on Basemap with additional functionality such as plot_trajectories """ def __init__(self, resolution='i', projection='cyl', domain=None, lon=None, lat=None, basemap=None, **kwargs): if basemap is None: if (domain is None) & (lon is not None): domain = [lon.min(), lon.max(), lat.min(), lat.max()] if projection == 'eqc': projection = 'cyl' if domain is not None: kwargs['llcrnrlon'] = domain[0] kwargs['urcrnrlon'] = domain[1] kwargs['llcrnrlat'] = domain[2] kwargs['urcrnrlat'] = domain[3] kwargs['resolution'] = resolution kwargs['projection'] = projection self.m = Basemap(**kwargs) else: self.m = basemap if lon is not None: self.x, self.y = self.m(lon, lat) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.m, item) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.m(*args, **kwargs) def __dir__(self): return self.m.__dir__() + ['drawmap', 'plot_traj']
[docs] def drawmap(self, continent=False, nbrem=5, nbrep=5, coastargs={}, countryargs={}, meridiansargs={}, parallelsargs={}): """ draw basic features on the map nbrem: interval bewteen meridians nbrep: interval between parallels """ self.drawcoastlines(**coastargs) self.drawcountries(**countryargs) merid = np.arange(-180, 180, nbrem) parall = np.arange(-90, 90, nbrep) self.drawmeridians(merid, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], **meridiansargs) self.drawparallels(parall, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], **parallelsargs) if continent: self.fillcontinents(color='lightgrey')
[docs] def plot_traj(self, trajs, variable, cmap='Spectral', levels=None, **kwargs): """Plot trajectories on a map Usage: m = Mapfigure(domain=[5, 15, 40, 50]) m.drawmap() m.plot_traj(trajs, 'QV') """ if is None: = subplot() lon, lat = trajs['lon'].copy(), trajs['lat'].copy() lonnanvalues = np.isnan(lon) latnanvalues = np.isnan(lat) x, y = self.m(trajs['lon'], trajs['lat']) # m() does not account for nan values x[lonnanvalues] = np.nan y[latnanvalues] = np.nan trajs['lon'] = x trajs['lat'] = y lc = plot_trajs(, trajs, variable, cmap=cmap, levels=levels, **kwargs) trajs['lon'] = lon trajs['lat'] = lat return lc
[docs]class SkewT: """ Create a skewT-logP diagramm """ # Private attributes SKEWNESS = 37.5 T_ZERO = 273.15 # P_bot is used to define the skewness of the plot P_BOT = 100000 L = 2.501e6 # latent heat of vaporization R = 287.04 # gas constant air RV = 461.5 # gas constant vapor EPS = R/RV CP = 1005. CV = 718. KAPPA = (CP-CV)/CP G = 9.81 # constants used to calculate moist adiabatic lapse rate # See formula 3.16 in Rogers&Yau A = 2./7. B = EPS*L*L/(R*CP) C = A*L/R def __init__(self, ax, prange={'pbot': 1000., 'ptop': 100., 'dp': 1.}): """ initalize a skewT instance """ self.pbot = prange['pbot']*100. self.ptop = prange['ptop']*100. self.dp = prange['dp']*100. = ax # Defines the ranges of the plot self.plevs = np.arange(self.pbot, self.ptop-1, -self.dp) self._isotherms() self._isobars() self._dry_adiabats() self._moist_adiabats() # self._mixing_ratio() def _skewnessTerm(self, P): return self.SKEWNESS * np.log(self.P_BOT/P) def _isotherms(self): for temp in np.arange(-100, 50, 10): + self._skewnessTerm(self.plevs), self.plevs, basey=np.e, color='blue', linestyle=('solid' if temp == 0 else 'dashed'), linewidth = .5) def _isobars(self): for n in np.arange(self.P_BOT, self.ptop-1, -10**4):[-40, 50], [n, n], color='black', linewidth=.5) def _mixing_ratio(self): rdv = 0.622 B1 = 243.04 # °C C1 = 610.94 # Pa A1 = 17.625 t = np.arange(-30, 50, 10) m = np.zeros((self.plevs.size, t.size)) for i, temp in enumerate(t): es = C1 * np.exp(A1*temp/(B1+temp)) m[:, i] = rdv*es/(self.plevs-es) t, p = np.meshgrid(t, self.plevs), p, m) def _dry_adiabats(self): for tk in self.T_ZERO+np.arange(-30, 210, 10): dry_adiabat = tk * (self.plevs/self.P_BOT)**self.KAPPA - ( self.T_ZERO + self._skewnessTerm(self.plevs)), self.plevs, basey=np.e, color='brown', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) def _moist_adiabats(self): ps = [p for p in self.plevs if p <= self.P_BOT] tlevels = np.concatenate((np.arange(-40., 10.1, 5.), np.arange(12.5, 45.1, 2.5))) for temp in tlevels: moist_adiabat = [] for p in ps: temp -= self.dp*self.gamma_s(temp, p) moist_adiabat.append(temp + self._skewnessTerm(p)), ps, basey=np.e, color='green', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=.5) def plot_data(self, p, T, color='black', style='solid'): + self._skewnessTerm(p*100), p*100, basey=np.e, color=(color), linestyle=(style), linewidth=1.5)[-40, 50, self.pbot, self.ptop])'Temperature ($^{\circ}$ C)') xticks = np.arange(-40, 51, 5), ['' if tick % 10 != 0 else str(tick) for tick in xticks])'Pressure (hPa)') yticks = np.arange(self.pbot, self.ptop-1, -10**4)['{:2.0f}'.format(label) for label in yticks/100]) def plot_windsbarbs(self, p, u, v, offset=40): x = p.copy() x[:] = offset ax2 = ax2.barbs(x[::2], p[::2]*100, u[::2], v[::2]) ax2.set_yscale('log', basey=np.e) yticks = np.arange(self.pbot, self.ptop-1, -10**4) ax2.yaxis.set_ticks(yticks) ax2.set_ylim([self.pbot, self.ptop]) ax2.set_xlim([-40, 50])
[docs] def es(self, T): """Returns saturation vapor pressure (Pascal) at temperature T (Celsius) Formula 2.17 in Rogers&Yau""" return 611.2*np.exp(17.67*T/(T+243.5))
[docs] def gamma_s(self, T, p): """Calculates moist adiabatic lapse rate for T (Celsius) and p (Pa) Note: We calculate dT/dp, not dT/dz See formula 3.16 in Rogers&Yau for dT/dz, but this must be combined with the dry adiabatic lapse rate (gamma = g/cp) and the inverse of the hydrostatic equation (dz/dp = -RT/pg)""" esat = wsat = self.EPS*esat/(p-esat) # Rogers&Yau 2.18 numer = self.A*(T+self.T_ZERO) + self.C*wsat denom = p * (1 + self.B*wsat/((T+self.T_ZERO)**2)) return numer/denom # Rogers&Yau 3.16